TODAY’S MANNA for Wednesday Oct 26, 2016

Do you walk upright with integrity?

The integrity of the upright will guide them, But the perversity of the unfaithful will destroy them.
Proverbs 11:3 New King James Version

Remember God told Abram (Abraham), “…I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.” (Gen 17:1) God was telling Abram to be upright or in today’s language to be a man of “integrity”. God wanted to bless Abram beyond what he could comprehend, but Abram had to be a man of integrity in order for God to be able to do so. A man who walks in perverseness or transgressions walks in the curse and will be destroyed. Not because that’s what God wants, but because it opens the door for Satan, the destroyer to come in. I believe that is what’s missing from much of our society today…integrity of person, both with each other and especially before God. The world today is in such moral degradation that integrity has been cast aside long ago. That lack of integrity is causing even greater moral degradation of the human race we see today. And it is bringing about it’s own destruction by opening the door for Satan and his demons to come in and do their evil deeds.

Most Holy Father, I give you praise and glory in all things. Lord I ask you to help me, so I may know how to be a man of integrity. Lord I ask you to empower me through Your Holy Spirit to be able to walk in integrity. Father, help me to understand Your ways and Your will. Help me to walk as Jesus did when He walked on the earth among men. In the name of Your Holy Child, Jesus, I ask and I pray this.

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