Monthly Archives: October 2017

TODAY’S MANNA for Sunday Oct. 1, 2017

Are you robbing from God?

Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed me! But you say, In What way have we robbed You? In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, for you have robbed Me, even this whole nation. Malachi 3:8-9 New King James Version

Are you robbing God? What happened to your tithing, why did it stop? Are you giving tithes (plus additional offerings) through the church you attend? Or do you even believe in tithing, or have you stopped giving tithes because you were offended, or because you don’t think you can afford to give with all the price increases lately and the recession and all? Let me tell you something you may not know. God is not asking you for something that is not His already. The tithe, a tenth of your first fruits, is His period! Everything we are and everything we have belongs to God. If it were not for Him we would not/could not take our next breath! God even gives us our ability to get wealth. All He asks is that we give 1/10th of our first fruit (what is rightfully His anyway) and an additional offering occasionally. We give this tithe to God (through His commandment) through our local church (the church where you are pastored and cared for) for use in the Kingdom ministry. It doesn’t matter what that church or minister then does with the money, that’s between him and God. The IRS takes up to 28% or more, and we would dare deny God His 10%? Restaurants are expecting at least 15% to your server nowadays and yet God only wants the 10% that is already His! Notice what God says will happen to you if you rob Him (if you do not tithe and give extra offerings). You are cursed with a curse. Need a description of those curses…try Deuteronomy 28:15-68 (Old Testament) for a rather thorough listing. Some of you are testing God – you have stopped tithing (God knows who you are!). Be careful, God will not be tested or mocked! If you are not tithing you are cursed with a curse!. I didn’t say that, God did in His Word!

Father, help us to see the revelation of Your Word. Open our spiritual eyes and show us the wisdom and knowledge You have hidden in Your Word. Lord work within our hearts Your Word so that we have the ability to do Your Word. Lord help us to obey Your Word that we will not have to suffer the curses of disobedience, but will be blessed with more than we can contain. That we may be a blessing to others.
In Jesus’ name I pray.