Monthly Archives: September 2023

TODAY’S MANNA for Sunday, Sept. 10, 2023

God’s System Of Government

This is why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him. If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
Romans 13:6-7 New International Version

Do you understand God’s system of Government?

This is actually God’s financial budget plan. First your tithe goes to God, 2nd you pay Caesar – what you owe, your bills, this includes your taxes etc. & what is necessary to run government, 3rd what is left is yours for living on. But where would we be without government, order and laws? While we may not like how the system functions today, what if we had no system at all? Can you imagine what society would be like then. If the governing authorities are from God and we do not submit to them, then we are in rebellion unto God. Remember that rebellion is the greatest of all sin! It’s what cost Lucifer his position in heaven and caused him to be cast out, to be known for ever more as the evil one, Satan. Pay authority to the office even if you do not like or agree with the man/woman holding the office. Then next election seek God and vote for the candidate that you hear from God to vote for. If everyone would do the same before voting (instead of voting party lines) then God could put the person in office that He wanted there. If God was able to do this can you imagine how much better our government would be running! Wow!, A Godly government, just imagine that. Remember God has to use man to do His work here on Earth. Vote Godly, NOT worldly!!

Holy God, creator of all that there is, I thank You that I am free in You and belong to no man or power. Yet because I want Your name to be respected, I pledge to obey the laws of this land as long as they do not run directly in contradiction to Your will, which is Your Word. At the same time, I fervently pray that You heal our land, and restore to us devout men, Christian men, as leaders. Father, I thank You for our current President, a man not afraid to let the world know the he consults in You daily in all that he does. Father, continue to lead and guide him and all of his advisors, that we may lead Godly and peaceable lives in You. In Jesus’ name I pray.

Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:

TODAY’S MANNA for Saturday Sept. 9, 2023

God So Loved the “World!”

In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
1 John 4:9-10 King James Version

The Bible says: “God so Loved the “World”, that’s everybody folks!” That’s right everybody, sinners included, not just the believers! Love here is a verb, an action, something happening. We can’t say it enough, it must come from the heart (the spirit) of man. Love in the sense being spoken of by in these verses is not the physical love that most of us think of when we hear the word “love”. Love must not only be spoken, but must also be shown. The beginning of love is God. God is love. He showed His love in the most sacrificial of ways so we could know how much He loved us, to know our incredible value to Him. The price of our adoption as sons/daughters was the emptying of heaven of its greatest treasure, God the Son, who is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He was sent to pay the price for us, because God so loved the world! Jesus was the propitiation ((Theol.) That which propitiates; atonement or atoning sacrifice; specifically, the influence or effects of the death of Christ in appeasing the divine justice, and conciliating the divine favor. ) for our sins.

Loving Father, thank You for adopting me into Your family. I can never thank You enough or ever repay You for Your kindness and Your mercy, but I can offer my self a living sacrifice unto You. Please receive the service of my life today as thanksgiving for Your grace (Your unmerited favor) and my small way of trying to share the love You have given me. Through my Brother, my Ransom, my Lord, and my Savior, Jesus, I pray.

TODAY’S MANNA for Friday Sept. 8, 2023

God’s Throne of Grace!

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.
1 John 5:14-15 King James Version

Come boldly before God’s Throne of Grace!

Confidence before God, that’s an awesome feeling! Through the presence of Jesus in me, (the inner witness) at the Father’s right hand, and by the intercession of the Holy Spirit for us, we can have confidence before God. We can come boldly before the Creator of the universe and know that He not only hears us, but also cares for us (as any father would care for his children). The Bible tells us how to approach God, and there’s only one way, through Jesus. There is NO other way to approach God, NONE. No priest, no Shaman, no man’s idol, no not even through Mary. I didn’t say that, God did in His Word! One God, one Mediator between God and man, the Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, and one final thing, if he hears our requests we know we have what we ask. “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” (John 14:13-14) The asking must of course be according to His Word and His will for you.

Abba Father, for the grace of Your listening ear I thank You more than words can say. You have given us Your Word that if we believe when we pray, and we ask according to Your will, then we can have what we say. For those that believe, we have confidence in Your Word. I thank You, Father, that You provided us with THE Mediator through which we can come boldly before Your Throne of Grace. That You made a way for us where there was no way. You gave us confidence through Him that loves us. In the authority of my brother and my Savior, Jesus and by Your grace and the power of Your interceding Holy Spirit, I offer You my praise, honor, thanks and love this day.
In Jesus name, Amen

TODAY’S MANNA for Thursday Sept. 7, 2023

God’s Plans

“I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11 New International Version (NIV)

Are you walking in God’s plans for you?

Before you were formed in your mother’s womb, God had already planned your life with Him. He had already ordained that you would be priests and kings in His Kingdom. But because He is a just and a loving God He has allowed us to have our own way & will and to live and do the things we want to, even NOT serving Him. We can choose to follow His Word, which is His will for us or we can choose to do our own thing and be like the rest of the heathen unsaved world, which is in an ever steepening spiral straight into Hell. If we choose His way and His will He will prosper us and give us a future with Him, but if we choose our own thing then His hand is not in it and we will not (CAN NOT) receive what He has for us, we are on our own. Instead we leave ourselves open for what is referred to in Deuteronomy 28:15-68, as the CURSE. But God even tells us which to choose between life or death…His choice – choose life!

In my struggles, O Lord, help me find the grace You have already given me. Lord help me to fulfill the plan and purpose that You wrote in the book of my life before I was born. Lord help me to see, through Your Holy Spirit and Your Word what You have planned for me. By Your grace and through Your mercy when You sent my Lord and Savior, Jesus, I pray.

TODAY’S MANNA for Wednesday Sept. 6, 2023

Stand and praise God!

Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.
Psalm 95:1-2 New International Version

Can you stand and praise God anywhere? You stand and shout and cheer and carry on wildly at sports events.
What better way to express our joy than with laughter and song to God. We sing to the Lord because we are joyful and thankful for all He has done for us! Not what is going on in our lives and in the world around us. Our music is not inhibited or held back, but exuberant and as full of heart as it is of sound. We praise Him with our whole being, with all that we are. Just like David danced in the streets before the Lord. You can do it at sports events and concerts and no one cares, try being that exuberant when you praise God and see what happens. Thanksgiving and praise to Him is what brings us into the Father’s presence and it is our joy at the knowledge of what He has done for us that leads us to praise Him. Don’t hide that praise from the world, display it proudly! Even if we are not musically inclined it’s okay. He said in His Word we could make a joyful noise unto the Lord. It’s our hearts that matter, not what we sound like. Remember He said, He would inhabit the praises of His people.

Most wonderful and glorious Father, thank you so much for sending Your Son and saving me from sin, death, and the law. Thank you for saving me and giving me the assurance, through your Holy Spirit, that I can come before you with exuberant and overflowing joy. Your love and grace have not only given me hope but have made me your child, a son and an heir. Hear my heart and be blessed by my sounds of praise. Through the mighty name of Jesus I pray and because of Jesus I will shout your praise forever and ever.

TODAY’S MANNA for Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2023


Praising God

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
Colossians 3:16 New International Version

Do you even praise God?
Can you praise God with the same zeal you use at sporting events or rock concerts? Can you openly praise God as David did in the streets?
We sing when we are happy. We sing when we are heartbroken. Today we should sing out of gratitude to our God. God is not only worthy of all of our praise, He is worthy of all of our thankfulness also. But the basis of all our songs should be Jesus and what He has already done for us through His death on the cross. His death, burial and His resurrection and ascension to the throne. We should be making a proclamation of the good news that brings life to us through Him. We should be preaching about that redemptive power. As that message, that Word of Christ fills our hearts, we are tuned to be thankful children of the Most High God. There is none higher or none more worthy of our praise than Him. It is Christ’s Spirit living in us that brings forth God’s Love through us. You don’t have any trouble being loud and boisterous at sporting events, why can’t you show the same enthusiasm when you praise God?

I am so thankful, Lord, for all the many blessings You have poured into my life. Your love, Your grace, Your mercy, and Your forgiveness, all give me hope for the future. Your gift of Jesus gives me life today and promises life eternal with You. The incredible physical blessings, as well as the blessings of a new family and friends, are wonderful. But the greatest of all blessings is the assurance that I will one day see You face- to-face and share Your glorious presence forever.
In Jesus name I pray.

TODAY’S MANNA for Monday Sept. 4, 2023

Heaven On Earth

Jesus replied, “If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.”
John 14:23 New International Version

Did you know you can have Heaven on earth right now?

Did you notice what He said? “If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. (and then) My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. “He said we (The Father God, The Son Jesus, and The Holy Spirit) will come to you and make our home with you. That’s here and now on earth, not when we get to heaven! At many Christian funerals, the preacher or speaker emphasizes how Jesus has left to make ready a house in His Father’s mansion for us to join Him in heaven. Then He is going to come back for us. But in these verses here, Jesus makes what I believe to be an even more important promise. He’s telling us that until it is time for us to come be with Him in His mansion in Heaven, He will come live with us here and now on earth. It all hinges on one thing, our willingness to obey Him. Do you want Him to live with you here and now? It’s not a bad deal, is it? We do not have to wait until we get to heaven to experience the God kind of life, we are supposed to have heaven here on Earth! So let’s not allow obedience to be a forgotten word in our lifestyle. Let’s not fall prey to the sin that caused Lucifer to fall from heaven and become Satan. Let’s do the will of God. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Then Jesus and the Father will come to us, here on earth, and make their home with us.

So He said to them, “When you pray, say:

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven. (Luke 11:2)

Father, thank You for providing us with Your Word as our Guide in life. Thank You for creating an operating manual for my life here on earth, Your Holy Word. My request, Father, I need Your abiding presence to face the challenges of life. As You have upheld Your children through the ages, I am thankful to greet each day knowing that I will not face it alone. But I know that You are here with me each and every day, living in my heart. Father, let me be an instrument of Your peace, harmony, and unity here on earth. In Jesus’ precious name I pray.

Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:

TODAY’S MANNA for Sunday Sept. 3, 2023

Accelerating Your Spiritual Growth!

“Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser; teach a righteous man…and he will increase in learning.”
Proverbs 9:8-9 The Amplified Bible

Do you want to accelerate your spiritual growth in the fastest way? Then you need to learn to take correction, from the Spirit of God and through His people when He sends correction through people. Read the above scripture again. Most of us love it when our pastor preaches about something we already know, or about some aspect of life we’ve already submitted to the Lord in, we think he’s a great pastor. We like him because he makes us feel good. But let that same pastor stand up and begin to preach about something we’re doing wrong, or some area that we need to change in or turn over to the Lord for His help and we immediately put up a wall and begin to take offense. How dare him preach that! There will even be some who will get up and leave while he is yet preaching! How dare them leave, when God is trying to correct them! They can’t take, or worse yet, don’t want correction in their walk with God, they are not submitted to God’s correction in their lives. We have got to get over that and learn to esteem the gift of the pastor that has been given to us by God and learn to accept the Lord’s chastening through him. Or for that matter through any of the leaders or elders the Lord has placed over us. We need to learn to receive that word of correction or guidance and begin to examine ourselves and ask the Lord; “Is that right? Does that agree with Your Word? Do I need to make some adjustments or changes in this area?” If any of the answers are yes, then make them and watch your spiritual life begin to flourish even more. A man once said, “If you think you’ve already arrived, you really aren’t going anywhere anyway.” Remember correction is not rejection, it is direction given unto perfection!

Thank you, Father, for loving me and sending me Jesus to be my example. I ask, that by Your Holy Spirit, You help me to live the life that Jesus would have me to live. Father help me to allow the ‘Teacher’ to teach me Your ways and help me Lord to receive correction when correction is due. Lord I want nothing more than to grow and mature in You more each day. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray.

Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:

TODAY’S MANNA Saturday, Sept. 2, 2023

God Did!

But God so rich is He in His mercy! Because of and in order to satisfy the great and wonderful and intense love with which He loved us, Even when we were dead (slain) by [our own] shortcomings and trespasses, He made us alive together in fellowship and in union with Christ; [He gave us the very life of Christ Himself, the same new life with which He
quickened Him, for] it is by grace (His favor and mercy which you did not deserve) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ’s salvation).
Ephesians 2:4-5 Amplified Translation

Everybody say: “But GOD DID!”

God did what you could NOT do yourself! You could not do anything to save yourself except to receive what God has given you, His Son. There is ABSOLUTELY NO other way to be saved or to get to Heaven!! I cannot think of anything else I’d prefer God to be rich in besides His Mercy & His Grace. I know many of my failures, my shortcomings, sins, and transgressions. I know how I was before I received His mercy and grace. Without His mercy to pardon, and without His grace to send Jesus to redeem us back from our sin, I would be lost and without God, I would be on my way to a fiery eternity. Now, because of His rich mercy, my life is tied to Jesus’ future and not the one I earned for myself. I am, because Jesus did. I live because Jesus died (for me). There is NO other way! No other religion, no other god, no other road to Heaven except through Jesus Christ. There is ONLY ONE WAY!

Father of all grace and mercy, I give all thanks to You. I thank You for being such a loving Father and Lord. Thank You for extending Your grace when I have not deserved it. Thank You for giving Your mercy when I most needed it. Thank You for giving life when I thought my life was doomed and hopeless. May my health and wealth be found in Your mercy and grace much more than in money and gold. Help me, Father to be more like Jesus each and every day. Through my Lord, and my Saviour, Jesus, I pray.

Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:

TODAY’S MANNA for Friday, Sept. 1, 2023


If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
1 John 1:8 King James Version


You are deceived If you say you have never sinned, or don’t sin. There isn’t a man (or woman) that ever walked the face of the earth that didn’t have sin, save the man Jesus Christ Himself. I don’t care who you are or that you say you’ve never sinned. The Bible says: “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.(Rom 3:23)” And God’s Word (The Bible) is truth! For we were all born of Adam’s seed, who put mankind into sin, and we deceive ourselves if we say we have no sin or have never sinned. But, God (everybody say, “But, God “) in His great mercy saw fit to send His only Son to pay the price for us. He had to because there was no other way we could be made righteous before Him. His righteous judgment would have demanded our death. But, Jesus bought us out of sin, sickness, poverty, depression, bondage and whatever else you might need recovered from with His blood on the cross that great day over 2000 years ago. We must now walk (be renewed by) in the light of His grace and mercy. Receive what Jesus has already done for you and allow His Word to change and conform you into the image of Him.

Loving Father, thank You for making a way for me where there was no way. Thank You for showing me the sin in my life and making a way for my forgiveness through the blood of Jesus. Father, help me by the power of Your Holy Spirit to walk and live a sinless life from this day forward. Change me Lord and renew my mind in You. Help me to know that I have been cleansed with the blood of Jesus and been made righteous before You, through His righteousness. In Jesus’ name I pray.

Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link: