TODAY’S MANNA for Wednesday Aug. 14, 2019

Being humble, patient and gentle

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Ephesians 4:2 New International Version

“You mean I have to put up with that?” “You expect me to do what?” “Why, I could never do that!”
There are many folks in life who speak these things every day. No, the truth is “You get to!” You don’t have to. You get to make the choice to do these or not. Just as a grain of sand in an oyster works to form a beautiful pearl, a gem of great value, these traits are the grit out of which we get to allow God to fashion us as His pearl of life. These traits are the example that we as Christians want to pay attention to and be sure and we are doing. Our great and glorious example in this challenge is Jesus. Think of what he had to put up with in his 12 disciples, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees, the Romans, and even Pontus Pilot. Remember how his patience and gentleness was tried and tested so often. And yet He always maintained His patience and His love for all. Can we dare to be or do less? Shouldn’t we ask our selves in every situation, “What Would Jesus Do?”

Father, increase my strength and patience, that I may be as loving, gentle, and patient with others as You have been with me. Let Your Holy Spirit come and fill me fresh each day with the power and the grace and the love that I need for others.
In Jesus’ name I pray.

Why is it that no one, not even Christians want to help monetarily with a Christian work, They think ALL Christian work just does itself. That Christians should be poor and be happy about it. But if it was for sports or some other earthly work they would be more than glad to help probably give pretty good in fact.

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